Young ACT is welcoming the University of Otago’s adoption of a free speech policy. The policy opens with “Free speech is the lifeblood of a university. It enables the exploration of ideas, the challenging of assumptions, and the uncovering of truth through open exchange. It allows students, teachers and researchers to know better the variety of beliefs, theories and opinions in the world. Only through a preparedness to challenge, question, and criticise ideas can progress in understanding take place.” We agree.

Young ACT has always campaigned and fought for freedom of expression, both in wider society, and on campus. We now push for other Universities to also adopt policies of free speech. They shouldn’t wait for the Government to take action, they should just do what’s right. To nudge them along, we’re relaunching our campaign to demand free speech on all campuses, you can check it out here.

Only a society that protects the right to express ones views and ideas, can call itself free. Across the world, universities have always been at the centre of the debates over these ideas. Whether its civil rights or climate change, we’ve been able to express our views peacefully because of the freedoms we have, and often take for granted.

Secured as part of ACT’s coalition agreement, Universities hoping for Taxpayer funding will be required to adopt a Free Speech policy. It’s a shame that it’s had to come this far, Universities have historically been the place of debate and innovation, even in the face of the state. Instead Universities these days would just prefer to rake in the cash while excusing themselves of their institutional, and societal, responsibilities.