Sign the Petition

    Free Speech is essential for a Free Society.

    Only a society that protects the right to express ones views and ideas, can call itself free. Across the world, Universities (and their students) have always been at the centre of the debates over these ideas. Whether its civil rights or climate change, we’ve been able to express our views peacefully because of the freedoms we have, and often take for granted.

    It all begins to unravel when we allow the state, or its public institutions like our universities, to supress our freedoms to express ourselves. We will only see further division in our country if we are blocked from even having discussions.

    But Free Speech (and expression) isn’t just about what you say. It’s also about what you write, especially on your assignments and essays. Many Students we’ve spoken to have said they’ve had to suppress their own views, just so their biased lecturer or tutor gives them good marks. That is unacceptable, and we hope Universities ensure that their grading is fair – regardless of the personal views of their staff.

    Otago took the first step, now the others must follow.

    We congratulate the University of Otago for leading the way, and we look forward to the growth of ideas and debate on campus. Wasn’t that hard was it?

    Now we must push for the other Universities to follow Otago’s lead. They shouldn’t wait for the Government to take action, they should just do what’s right.

    ACT is coming whether they like it or not.

    Secured as part of ACT’s coalition agreement, Universities hoping for Taxpayer funding will be required to adopt a Free Speech policy. It’s a shame that it’s had to come this far, Universities have historically been the place of debate and innovation, even in the face of the state. Instead Universities these days would just prefer to rake in the cash while excusing themselves of their institutional, and societal, responsibilities.